Professional Development Workshops

Children’s Food Lab Founder, Jill Santopietro, is hosting professional Development workshops for CTLE credit, for NYC DOE educators and MA educators. Info below!


Hands-on Cooking & Food Ed in the Classroom

How can teachers plan, prep, and practice hands-on cooking in the classroom? This course presents tools for integrating hands-on cooking and food literacy into your classroom, including timing, planning, logistics, recipes, and resources. This course draws from practices utilized in programming for The Children’s Food Lab led by Jill Santopietro, including lessons that have been implemented across dozens of youth audiences in school-based and after-school programming. Jill draws from these first-hand experiences, as well as best practices, for how to consider equity throughout the course, and how to integrate multi-sensory foo ed lessons into multi-disciplinary curricula.


Open to NYC Department of Education staff,
for CTLE credit.
Sychronous, Series 1: Five Mondays
2:45-3:45 PM
3/17, 3/24, 4/7, 4/21, 4/28


Open to NYC Department of Education staff,
for CTLE credit.
Synchronous, Series 2: Five Mondays
2:45-3:45 PM
5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/2, 6/9


Open to Massachusetts Educators, for CTLE credit.
Synchronous Sessions: Thursdays 4-5 pm
5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29


Course Objectives:

1. To consider the benefits of integrating hands-on, food ed activities into food literacy education.

2. To introduce participants to high-quality resources and accessible food education curriculums that can be used via an interdisciplinary perspective.

3. To give participants tools for keeping a safe and sanitary classroom, for organizing hands-on cooking as part of their classroom, including timing, planning, logistics.

4. To discuss what equity considerations are important when teaching food ed and consider ways to ensure that content addresses these considerations.

5. To demonstrate a hands-on cooking and food ed lesson to educators.


About the Facilitator: Jill Santopietro is a food educator, cooking instructor, food writer, and recipe developer. She is the founder and director of The Children’s FOOD LAB – offering fun, hands-on food arts and sciences discovery labs to New York and Massachusetts school children. Her work has been published in The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, Bloomberg Pursuits, and The Boston Globe, and she has worked on recipes for writers including Michael Pollan and Alex Guarneschelli. Prior to launching The Children’s FOOD LAB, Jill worked at The New York Times Magazine, where she co-created and hosted The New York Times’ "Kitchen 4B" video series. She is passionate about educating kids, their families, and educators on all things food — how it grows, how it's processed, and the effects that has on us, our communities, and our environment. Jill has a master’s in food studies from Boston University and is a member of the Tisch Food Center Food Ed Hub.